Discussing ‘polish – democratic – brand’ at Vistula Academy - Debata „Program Europejskiego Roku Edukacji dla Demokracji. Polski brand dla polskiej prezydencji”

Discussing ‘Polish – democratic – brand’ at Vistula Academy

Debate “Program of the European Year of Education for Democracy. Polish brand for the Polish presidency”.

On December 6, 2024, we organized a debate at Vistula University in Warsaw among ECED associates and its ‘Supporters’ (list available at the bottom of the ABOUT ECED subpage). The starting point of the debate were the four components of the “Polish brand”, i.e. agency, sensitivity, community, subjectivity, which we discussed first as part of the research module including Panel 1 “Not only the rule of law” and Panel 2 “The European Union of the future”, and then as part of the module educational consisting of Panel 3 “(Un)obvious hybrid” and Panel 4 “Online civil freedom”.

The key premise of the event was  that the period of the Polish Presidency of the European Union, falling shortly after the parliamentary, European and local government elections that took place in our country, is a historic moment when Poles should use the moral legitimacy associated with the results of these elections, including the evidence proven by them. attachment of Polish citizens to democracy as a basic tool for protecting the humanitarian values ​​that constitute the basis of the Euro-Atlantic community and opposition to populist and authoritarian tendencies, to create new tools for promoting the democratic model of the state and society, serving the entire European community. This initiative includes several key, parallel projects, promoted as part of the European Year of Education for Democracy, which are intended to jointly build a Polish model for promoting democracy – the “Polish brand”, for which the period of Poland’s presidency of the European Union will be permanently remembered.

We unanimously agreed that the notion of the of ​​ “Polish – democratic – brand” can successful serve the following purposes:

  • promotion of Poland as a leader in pro-democratic education
  • creating a lasting legacy of the Polish Presidency of the European Union
  • consolidation, at European level, of the activities of people and entities involved in pro-democratic education
  • creating a platform for effective work for freedom and justice, security and peace.

The debate participants signed a resolution calling on the national authorities to take decisions regarding, first of all, establishing the ‘European Year of Education for Democracy’ as an event accompanying the Polish Presidency of the EU Council and outlining four basic ECED activities with a research and educational profile. The resolution will be submitted in January.

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