Presenting ECED actions to EU minister and PE member - Meeting at the chancellery of the prime minister with the secretary of state Ignacy Niemczycki and member of the European Parliament Michał Wawrykiewicz

Presenting ECED actions to EU minister and EP member

Meeting at the Chancellery of the Prime Minister with the Secretary of State Ignacy Niemczycki and Member of the European Parliament Michał Wawrykiewicz.

Following the debate on the same day at the Vistula Academy in Warsaw, the ECED management team held a meeting at the Chancellery of the Prime Minister with Minister Ignacy Niemczycki (who also took part in the debate) and MEP Michał Wawrykiewicz (belonging to the signatories of the ECED support letter). The meeting was devoted to discussing two basic issues: first, the mode of implementation of Education for Democracy as a project based on the “Polish brand”, with ministerial support, and, second, discussing the nature of the four basic activities of ECED. Due to, among others, the profile of Mr. M. Wawrykiewicz’s activity, the meeting addressed more extensively the so-called ECED Action 1 entitled ‘LEXOMETRY – a new method for research on legislation concerning subjective rights’, which was presented at the meeting at the Chancellery of the Prime Minister by the method’s author, prof. dr hab. Paweł Chmielnicki from the University of Warsaw. The meeting participants agreed that the period of the Polish Presidency is particularly conducive to initiating ECED activities throughout the European Union, and their successful implementation may constitute an important contribution of the “Polish brand” to the consolidation of democratic education and to democracy throughout the Community.

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